Monday, November 16, 2020

Impeach Alito?

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito on Thursday delivered a speech in which he specifically warned of how the COVID crisis is being exploited by some to hasten the demonstrable ongoing erosion of civil liberties granted by the U.S. Constitution, such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion.  Progressives have already pounced on the remarks and are demanding that Alito be impeached. 


Hundreds of Nevada voters who, for one reason or another, didn't vote... are finding out that they DID vote! A good chunk of them have military addresses! 

California, Oregon and Washington governors are asking residents returning to their states from other states to self-quarantine for 14 days. Even if you have the Chinese Virus, you can leave the state without restrictions! At least the guvs are asking, as opposed to dictating orders subject to prison terms and fines; however, (below), that may be about to change.  

The Dems are saying that, unless Trump concedes, they won't allow Pfizer to start distributing it's Covid vaccine until sometime next year? 

Heir Fauci says that, regardless of your yearning for independence, now is the time to do as you're told! 

Google sent reminders to liberals to vote, but neglected to send reminders to conservatives.   

For all of those MAGA people who showed up in D.C. Saturday to rally for President Trump... a great big THANK YOU!

What if Biden wins then resigns, Kamalalala becomes president and names Hillary as her Vice President? Just askin'...

Even if the Senate ends up being a 51-49 split in favor of the Republicans, you have several RINO's including Mitt Romney who will vote with the Democrats!  

The New York Governor responsible for hundreds of Covid-19 deaths in nursing homes now says he's not going to allow a vaccine to be used in his state, even if it is approved by the FDA... until HE approves it!

Since ATT is ready to dump CNN, will the Murdochs buy CNN and merge it with FOX NEWS?  

Regardless of the fact that Sweden imposed no lock-downs or mandatory masks and has a much lower rate of Covid infections and deaths than the U.S., and regardless of the fact that courts are ruling such lock-downs to be unconstitutional in many instances, several states are initiating mandatory lock-downs of two weeks or more starting today!  Presumably, violators will be hung. 

THEY PROBABLY WISH THEY'D SAID THAT: "Now, having committed the crime, the Democrats have no choice but to do everything possible in their power in order to cover it up." ~ John Brennan 


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