Wednesday, September 12, 2018


The NFL has quietly determined, totally without fanfare if you'll pardon the play on words, that it will not adhere to any policy on kneeing during the national anthem.  Players may continue to kneel during the national anthem if they wish and the fans will either have to suck it up or watch something else.  I've already fallen in love with college football again.  Henceforth, the Super Bowl shall be known as the Super Bowel.

There are those who say sports fans who have quit watching NFL games are not really football fans at all.  To which I must respond: fans who continue to watch NFL games probably don't know what the word "patriotism" even means. 

If you think Democrats have gone way over the top, hold onto your bloomers.  Every day that goes by between now and the November elections will bring more and more obnoxious remarks and ultimately, I believe, violence.  Knowing that they will undoubtedly be outvoted again at the polls, I suspect they will do everything to keep people from voting at all. And Maxine Waters had another one of her famous rectal hemorrhages over the weekend. Wouldn't it be great if Hurricane Florence would wash her mouth out? 

The ratings on the Miss America Contest plummeted the other night.  It seems that fans prefer to have the swimsuit contest, dropped this year at the insistence of the liberal left.  Let them, the NFL, Nike Dick's and Levi Strauss all go to hell, if there's any room left. 

The liberal left Democrats are playing a new game.  They're telling incumbent Senators that if they vote for Kavanaugh for Supreme Court Justice, the left will donate millions of dollars to their reelection opponents.  Typical Democrats... they will buy, steal, threaten, coerce, yell, scream, bully... whatever it takes to impose their will on the rest of America.  If that isn't fascism, what is?

Given that Trump has done so much for the economy when Obama didn't, given that a whole lot of blue states turned to red states in 2016, given that unemployment is at all time lows throughout various segments of American work forces... would you really want Barack Hussein Obamamama to come campaigning for you in the mid-terms?  Isn't that like the ultimate kiss of death?  

"As a former NFL player, I am one American who will have nothing to do with any NFL team that cannot find the corporate courage to stand for the millions of courageous past great Americans whose sacrifice gave meaning to our flag and national anthem and to the millions upon millions who still dream to come to its free shores." ~ Burgess Owens

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