Friday, January 12, 2018


Former comedian Chelsea Handler is getting roasted for a vulgar homophobic tweet she sent Wednesday night implying Senator Lindsey Graham is a gay man in the closet who is sucking up to President Trump instead of coming out.  “Holy, f--k f--k. I just [saw] the video of trumps bipartisan ‘meeting’ yesterday,” Handler tweeted. “Hey, @LindseyGrahamSC what kind of d--k sucking video do they have on you for you 2 be acting like this? Wouldn’t coming out be more honorable?”  

As much as I dislike Graham, this behavior is beyond disgusting; she belongs in the far back rubber room of a mental institution.   Word has it that she's going to be the new vice president of the club and that she and Kathy are already conspiring as to how they can blame Trump for the Tweet. 

Let me trot this one by you: a mentally "unstable" Alabama man has been accused of molesting a horse.

Word is that Kim Jong il's son, dictator Kim Jong un, is actually ill.  Could it be that Kim Jong owl will be taking over soon? 

Red Robin is eliminating bus boys due to the increased minimum wage labor costs.  They have not yet bothered to explain who is going to move the dirty dishes from your table and wash them.  Perhaps if you eat on paper plates and with plastic utensils, you can bus them yourselves, (same price, of course).

A Federal Judge, (from San Francisco, naturally), has ruled that it's illegal for President Trump to remove illegals.  You can't impeach the Judge, either; that's probably also illegal.

NBC is joining the ranks of the NFL players who continue to kneel during the National Anthem.  If they do so during Super Bowl pregame activities, NBC will show it in your face.  Personally, I won't be watching, and neither will tens of thousands of active duty personnel and veterans throughout the country, nor millions of more of their supporters. 

Diane Feinstein is blaming her unilateral and illegal release of highly confidential Congressional information on a bad cold.  I have yet to meet or even hear of a left-winger who had taken responsibility for their own actions... NOT ONE.  

I feel sorry for those living back east; they're surrounded by snowflakes.

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