Monday, July 17, 2017


The Justice Department has busted a nationwide medical fraud in which 412 people have been arrested and charged with fraud and opioid scams totaling $1.3 billion in false billing, according to The Associated Press.  Attorney General Jeff Sessions said that medical professionals were among those arrested, including doctors, nurses and pharmacists who “have chosen to violate their oaths and put greed ahead of their patients.” 

Official estimates are that it will cost $1.3 billion to build the wall along the U.S.-Mexican border.  Results after several border walls were built in foreign countries is that the wall will reduce illegal immigration by 90%; since those people either end up in jail for committing crimes or end up as extra cost burdens to the American society, the savings will be even more.  The real question here is why didn’t Loretta Lynch catch these crooks?  

Q. How do you feel about the latest Russia flap with Donald Trump Jr.?  (Magdalena ~ Santa Fe, NM)
A. This is not about investigating wrongdoing and bringing people to justice; it’s about trying to usurp the election and the democratic process.  If this was about routing out corruption and holding people accountable for their actions, they’d also be sincerely investigating Obama, Clinton, Lynch, Rice, Comey, Holder and a few others.  They’re not, which reveals their true intentions and I, for one, am sick and tired of this continuous unadulterated horse manure. 

Q. Any thoughts on the hundreds of New York City cops who turned their backs on New York’s Mayor de Blasio the other day?  (Ginny ~ Igo, CA)
A. He should just fire every damned one of them.  I mean, he’s a radical, left-wing, liberal Communist, so he can do that.  He doesn't like cops anyway, so why have them?  

Q. I’m so afraid that Congress is going to just patch up ObamaCare and claim victory.  Don’t they care what we, the people, think?  (Lucinda ~ Pomona, CA)
A. I don’t think there’s a person in Congress, Democrat, Republican or otherwise, who really gives a hoot about what we think or want.  They’re in their own little worlds, and we’re excluded.  They have no principles, no scruples and no consciences.  I can hardly wait for November of 2018.     

“I rant.  Therefore, I am.” ~ Dennis Miller


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