Monday, June 27, 2016


Not satisfied with the BREXIT results of last week, members of Parliament are now saying there should be another referendum, or even that Parliament should disregard the results of the vote and refuse to leave the EU.  After all, what do the peasants know? 

These guys would make ideal members of the Republican establishment.  The voters, they would have us believe, have no right to vote.  Not only do I smell another American Revolution, but I smell a British one as well.  When we vote, we expect the results to be final and binding.  Period. 
Q. Syndicated columnist George Will has announced he is leaving the Republican Party because of Trump.  What do you say to that?  (Naomi ~ Porterville, CA)
A. Good riddance.  The members of the party chose Donald Trump to be their standard bearer.  People like George Will have the audacity to think that their intellect is superior and that the fundamentals of democracy should be obliterated.  He probably voted for Obama… both times.  Could be he's related to Mitt.  

Q. The word is that Obama wants to buy an NBA team after he leaves office.  Do you think that is realistic?  (Preston ~ Goleta, CA)
A. Only if he is allowed to make his own rules of the game. 

Q. Are there any further developments on that case of Muslim boys in Twin Falls, Idaho sexually attacking a five-year-old?  (Bruno ~ Newark, CA)
A. The media decided it had to be politically correct and cover the story up, claiming it was false.  But then, a video taken by one of the participants surfaced.   Now, the federal prosecuting attorney in the area is threatening citizens that they had better watch what they say about the horrible crime or they’re going to end up in jail. Well, I’m not bashful: Just when is this one-sided protectionism of Muslim criminals in this country going to stop?   

“If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” ~ George Washington


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