Friday, May 20, 2016


Just as Mitt Romney was tucking his tail between his legs and backing away from his “stop Trump” movement, billionaire David Kohl stepped into the fray by announcing he is going to back New Mexican Gary Johnson for the presidency on the Libertarian ticket, and he’s committing “tens of millions of dollars” to that effort. 


While there is no conceivable way that Johnson could ever win the presidency on a third party ticket, there is the possibility that he can garner enough votes to syphon away a Trump victory.  I’ll be damned if I’ll ever shop in one of their stores or buy one of their products again because anybody in this country who would use their power and money to deny the will of the people is not really an American. 

Q. Why do you think FOX NEWS ratings tanked during the Megyn Kelly–Donald Trump special?  (Horace ~ Broomfield, CO)
A. I think people are basically fed up with Kelly’s attitude.  Who wants to listen to her stroke her own ego and act like a Jewish princess anymore? 

Q. Do you think the Washington Redskins will ever change their name?  (Benjamin ~ Carson City, NV)
A. No.  In fact, nine out of ten Native Americans are okay with the name, and forcing the Redskins to change their name to satisfy an overwhelming minority of people is insane. 

Q. How come there’s been little if anything to say over the Facebook meeting with conservative media types Wednesday?  (Melanie Ann ~ Des Plaines, IL)
A. Nobody likes to talk much about a dog and pony show. 

TODAY’S QUOTE: A message to Target and GoDaddy…
“There is only one boss… the customer.  And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” ~ Sam Walton


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