Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) expressed outrage Tuesday at the recent Obama administration refugee program that allows certain illegal immigrants granted amnesty to bring their children living abroad to the United States, according to BREITBART.COM.     The Obama administration’s new Central American Minors (CAM) Refugee/Parole Program allows illegal immigrants granted amnesty to transport their Central American children to the U.S.

The whole project is to make it much more difficult for us to send these illegals back where they came from.  I suspect we will hear within a few days that we are sending our military transport to these countries to get the kids and bring them back at our expense.  Up ours again, America. 

Q. What is your opinion regarding Obama asking Congress for war powers against I.S.I.S.?  (Curly ~ Pocatello, ID)
A. That’s like putting pearls on a pig. What’s interesting is that just a few days ago, when Congressional Members came up with the suggestion, the Obama camp was solidly against it.  Now, it’s their idea.  But, what difference does it make?  Do you really think Obama is going to go after I.S.I.S. like Reagan, Bush, Kennedy or Truman would?  And don’t forget: Global Warming is,after all, Obama’s number one priority. 

Q. Anything more on that top secret meeting Obama had with Muslim leaders, which included some left-wing radicals and leadership of the Muslim Brotherhood?  (Justin ~ El Paso, TX)
A. The Muslim Brotherhood has now called for “a long, uncompromising jihad.” 

Q. Do you really think I.S.I.S. has terrorist cells in the U.S.?  You must be a war monger.  (Judith ~ South San Francisco, CA)
A. Even a top Obama official says there are such cells.  There are individuals living in the United States today who have contact with the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL) and other terrorist groups who have "a desire to conduct an attack" on U.S. soil, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Sunday on CNN's "State of the Union."  You lead a sheltered, zombie life, Judith. 

“You can put wings on a pig, but you don’t make it an eagle.” ~ Bill Clinton


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