Monday, October 6, 2014


This from the DAILY CALLER:  First lady Michelle Obama believes that Democrats running for Congress eagerly desire her presence on the campaign trail during the run-up to the 2014 midterm elections. However, she has avoided helping some Senate Democrats because she’s mad at them for failing to show adequate support for her deeply unpopular attempt to change people’s diets” And, "Michelle Obama was also especially furious after nearly a dozen Democrats from states where potatoes are a commercial crop joined Republican lawmakers in opposing a decision by the Obama administration to ban white potatoes from the list of foods which recipients of Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program assistance can purchase with federal funds.” 

I guess Michelle’s philosophy is you can’t have your potatoes and eat them, too.  I hear that Obama himself can be a total, obnoxious and screaming jerk when he doesn’t get his way, but something tells me that his antics don’t hold a candle to Michelle’s.  Pretty soon, they’ll be using some of their miniaturized drones they’ve been developing to fly into your kitchen and spy on your cooking; keep your fly swatter handy. 

Q. Why did California pass a law outlawing the use of plastic sacks in stores?  (Gene ~ Las Vegas, NV)
A. That’s what illiterate, mundane Democrat politicians do.  The law was designed to prevent the accumulation of non-biodegradable plastic in landfills.  What they didn’t think through is that the major use of plastic shopping bags is to collect wet garbage that can’t be put down a disposal.  Wet garbage goes right through the bottoms of paper sacks, so people will now buy plastic garbage sacks in the stores for that purpose and just as much plastic will end up in the landfills.  Of course, the paper bag manufacturers love the new law and I’d be willing to bet that a whole lot of California legislators own stock in them.  And what about all of those plastic food trays that packaged meat, vegetables and fruit trays come on?  Maybe they should close landfills altogether and have people send their garbage to Sacramento… in paper bags. 

Q. Why is the Department of Defense allowing illegal aliens to join the military when lawful American G.I.s are being laid off?  (Cortina ~ Salinas, CA)
A. Because the DOD wants to have its lawns manicured.  Honestly, that’s the only thing that makes sense to me. 

Q. What do you think is the real reason Eric Holder is resigning?  (Maude ~ Tacoma, WA)
A. Coincidentally, a Court ruling was about to come down requiring the Department of Justice to list the documents in the Fast & Furious gun-running case that it was refusing to turn over to Congressional investigators.  In other words, the heat was being turned up in the kitchen and Holder decided it was time to get out. 

“Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone; but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery.” ~ Malcolm X


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